Friday, May 9, 2008

today worked on creating photo presentation of my last holiday

Today worked on creating photo presentation of my last holiday using google docs presentation feature. It was awesome. I could not believe how easy it was to import photos and other features from web pages into the presentation.

I am going to be using google docs more frequently for sure.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

posted a google docs document to administrator

Had an opportunity to post a google docs document to administrator. I noticed that it was possible to do a slide presentation also in google docs which is great. I will endeavor to create a presentation of my photos from the last holiday I went on.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Added website links, heading and reading list

Added a few things to jazz up the website like heading, website links and reading list.

Still looking to do a few more things.

Enjoying it.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

spreading the word

just letting all my friends know how good creating your own blog is!

Hopefully registration will be completed soon

Hopefully the registration will be completed soon.

Trying once again.

Once this is done I will go back and jazz up my blog once again.

Feedback on the course

I thoroughly enjoyed the course.

Looking forward to using many of the aspects of the course to improve my library skills.

Also some of the programmes in the course give me the opportunity to contribute to discussions and become more active in exchanging ideas with other people in the same industry as myself.

Would recommend course to anyone who would like to learn more about computing IT learning.



Possible benefits of social networking is receiving feedback from patrons on things like service provided and possible improvements.

It would give staff the availability to post regularly about promotions or events that will be held and the success of certain events.

Social networking also allows library members to exchange ideas about many different aspects of library work and perhaps improve skills in the process.

Monday, April 28, 2008

zoho writer compared to google docs

Had a look at zoho writer. I think I prefer google docs.

The screen looks more like a microsoft word screen which is what I am used to.

More info about it when a get a reply

online applications

Sent a google docs letter to my colleague and seeing if it will be updated.

He has been a little slack in editing it so I will try sending a google doc

to my other account and try editing it.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Had an opportunity to look at Mashups

Created a map highlighting the places I visited in Big Huge Maps and imported image into my Blog.

Investigated google maps and observed how powerful the tool is in highlighting points in the city

You can use google maps to pinpoint the branches of the libraries.

podcasts complete

Enjoyed listening and adding podcasts.

A wonderful way to get ideas across the internet.

It is a good way of teaching.


Our library could use podcasts to inform patrons about promotions the library could be running.

It could broadcast childrens stories read by staff members

sent question to yahoo7

So sent question to Yahoo7 successfully.

Bring on podcasts

Friday, April 25, 2008

Answer boards and social searching

I think there is a place for our librarians to become involved in slamming the boards once a month.

It would allow our staff to brush up on their research skills and build up the libraries profile.

I think it would be great giving patrons the option on commenting on items they have read on a

library blog. It might encourage other library readers to pick up a book based on reading a review

on a our library blog.

Monday, April 21, 2008

tagging,, library thing and others

tagging,, library thing are great websites.

They can be used to keep track of up to date events by our own libraries.

Also we can view as librarians about resources that may be available for purchase

and keeping in touch with developments in our library related fields.


video online completed

Finished Video online and Youtube.

Great. Amazing what is available.

Preferred Youtube to Google video. The video seemed to be able to download quicker.

However I did find that google video was able to show longer videos

added comments to wiki website

Added comments to wiki website

That was great.

Have been using wiki for a long time

it is very informative

rss feeds continued

Completed the RSS feeds.

Ready for the next section

Saturday, April 19, 2008

More on Wiki

Some of the things that Wiki could be used for in libraries are the reviews on new books being
published or updates on authors.

New developments in the IT field would keep librarians informed through a industry specific wiki website.


Looking at the RSS feeds was quite fascinating.

Interesting to see how the feeds are sent through my Bloglines website once I had subscribed

to it.

I was able to subscribe to get regular feeds from the Powerhouse Museum photos, ABS stats

amongst others.

Wiki feeds

Have been familiar with Wiki for quite a while now. Like using it for information since it

is downloaded quickly with little advertising. The information is pretty current as well.

I found it interesting to find the different interfaces used in different organisational wiki sites.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Photo from Pula Croatia

This photo was taken whilst I was on holidays in Croatia 2004.

photo added in flickr

added photo in flickr

Monday, March 3, 2008

monday night on my blog

intending to look a bit further into flikr

talk to you soon


this morning looked at Flickr

been using it for a while

checked the week 3 activities

Friday, February 29, 2008

Blogs on staff computer would be great

I wish we can work on our blogs on the staff computers

